Home School Agreement
SHS Home School Agreement
This is an agreement aimed at strengthening the co-operation between the school and the home.
The school has always placed great importance on the need for both home and school to work together in the interests of students. We make a vital partnership in young people’s education. The home and the school agree to do the following:
The Home |
The Student |
The School |
I/We shall:
- ensure that my child goes to school regularly, on time and properly equipped;
- ensure that my child will wear the correct school uniform;
- let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child's work or behaviour;
- support the school's policies and guidelines for attendance, behaviour and safety;
- support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning;
- attend parents' consultation evenings and discussions about my child's progress;
- get to know about my child's life at the school;
- consult and sign my child's Student Planner regularly and let the school know any reason for absence.
As a student I will:
- be polite and courteous to all, show consideration and respect the views of others;
- attend school regularly, maintain punctuality throughout the school day and be prepared for lessons with the necessary equipment;
- wear appropriate school clothing;
- accept responsibility for my actions;
- follow school rules and understand why they are implemented;
- respect other people's property;
- not place others or myself in a position where I might endanger their safety;
- try to work to the best of my ability and seek to improve the standard of my work;
- agree to complete homework by the deadline set and to the best of my ability.
We shall:
- set high standards and provide a quality education which is broad and balanced;
- encourage students to do their best at all times;
- encourage students to take care of their surroundings and others around them;
- contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or equipment;
- let parents know about any concerns or problems that affect their child's work or behaviour and reply quickly to any parental concerns;
- set, mark and monitor homework and provide facilities for students to do homework in school as specified in the school homework timetable;
- send home an annual report and arrange consultation evenings during which students’ progress will be discussed;
- keep parents informed about school activities through regular letters home, newsletters and notices about special events.
- provide a safe environment in which students can develop the skills needed to understand how to maintain their personal safely in the widest context of society and gain a deeper knowledge of its fundamental values